My friend Ruby said she does not know how to make tortillas, and I can't believe that 'cause of how incredibly easy it is.
Speaking of "incredible," the day of the 9/11 attacks, I was at Jamba Juice in the morning and had just heard about it on the radio. When a random other customer person at Jamba asked me if I had heard about it, I said I had and that I thought it was incredible and horribly sad.
She went off on me for using the word incredible. She was yelling at me, "Incredible?!!! Are you f-ing kidding me? Incredible?" I had no idea what the heck she was all pissy about. Incredible's first definition from Merriam-Webster's site is "too extraordinary and improbable to be believed." Also, unconceivable, unthinkable, etc. I did NOT mean it as she took it, as in "wow, way cool." Dumb B! Okay, can you tell it hurt my feelings that she thought I meant it was good? Geez. . .
Okay, back to incredibly easy tortillas. Or, should I say, "unbelievably" easy tortillas.
First, buy a bag of masa. It's in the grocery store. It's a staple. You can use it for other things than tortillas, such as thickening up chili. Yum.

The instructions say to line a tortilla press with two pieces of plastic wrap stuff, but I find it easier to just use a big plastic bag (the gallon size) and shove the dough in that to press.

Then, just center the dough-ball in the middle of the tortilla press and smoosh it closed.
Open it back up, and you have a tortilla!
As you finish pressing and stacking them, be sure to keep that damp cloth over them still to keep them from drying out.
Once you have a little stack of tortillas, heat a skillet or griddle to medium high-ish, and flip them on for a little bit on each side -- maybe 45 seconds to a minute. This kind of finishes them up and gets them sturdier to use.

So, as Jim might say, get some masa, smoosh it up and get ready to FEED YOUR FACE!
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