Thursday, June 9, 2011

Bird, bird, bird, the bird is the word

He's back! The little bird was back in his sleeping spot last night. He's giving me a second chance!

I was particularly careful to be quiet when I left the dog out, and I waited until this morning to water the garden.

I'm glad I didn't scare him off for good, but I will be more careful now. (Even though I am not a bird fan.)

Jim update: His x-ray couldn't be read because there was too much fluid surrounding the injury to his knee, so they can't see if he tore anything or not. So, he got medicine and a knee brace and crutches, with instructions to ice, stay off of it, and come back a week from Friday.

Usually his taking Vicodin leads to "unusual" conversations. But last night? Zonked right away.

He probably won't be blogging anytime soon, but I'll keep you up on his progress.

In the meantime, I'll leave you with the song Jim sang when I told him the bird was back.

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