Tuesday, November 3, 2015


Well, it has been more than five weeks with the blood clot in Kathi's leg. Even though it is still there, she will be heading back to the J.O.B. this Wednesday. Not sure if I will be taking her to work for awhile, or if she will drive herself. She still has bruising and nodules from the heparin shots, but they are getting smaller.

So, I will be busy for a few more days. Then, I need to call that friend of mine who was re-doing his basement. Need to get all of that crap done before the snow flies. We still need to get the sump pump installed and running to his liking. (That could take awhile.) Then I need to see what other type of piddly stuff he wants done.

With all that has been going on, my mind has been working overtime. Lots of projects that I have thought of. Now just need to start on them. Since the holidays are sneaking up on us, I think that I will be blogging some FEED YOUR FACE! posts. Main courses, sides, desserts, drinks, and a few stories thrown in also. Some wild game recipes are also in order. So, check in, you may find something from anything thing that crawls, swims, flies, runs, jumps, two legged, four legged, you never know.

If there is something you want to ask, ask. There is no such thing as a dumb question. Weird maybe, off the wall maybe. So, pull up a couch or whatever and ask away.

Also, don't forget to get the old snow blower ready. The snow will be here soon. Brush off them cob webs on the snow shovel. Check that pile of fire wood, Dig out your long johns and them old worn out winter boots. You might also start to drag down some of that Christmas stuff that is a pain in the butt to get to. 

Or if you're like some people and left them lights up all year, you're ahead of the game. Speaking of games. I came across a book that has some "old fashion games." I'll post a few of them and see if anyone remembers any of them.

Hope everyone's week is going well and not too many AH SH** moments happening. 

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