Wednesday, May 11, 2011


It is cold and rainy this morning here in Denver. So, hot cereal is the order of the day. How about cornmeal mush?

Did I just hear someone go "yuck?" Have you ever had cornmeal mush?

My sister and I had cornmeal mush quite often when we were just little squirts, and living in Russellville, Arkansas. We had an African-American lady who was like a grandma to us. That was very good. The mush was also good, 'cause it was also made with love. So here you go.

1 cup cornmeal
4 cups water
1 teaspoon salt
Combine the cornmeal and water. Bring to a boil, add the salt, and simmer for at least 30 minutes. Serve with evaporated milk and sugar. Or throw in some of your favorite fruit. Or put some brown sugar on it.

You can also take any leftovers and pack it in tins. Then let it cool and put it in the fridge. Then you can slice off some, dip it in some flour, and fry it up for a bedtime snack or for your evening meal. Serve it up with some syrup.

This makes about ten 1/2 cup servings. Yum.

I used to take the bread tin with me in a cooler for camping trips. Give it a try. You just might find that it is quite good.

So, enjoy and FEED YOUR FACE!!


  1. My Dad used to fry cornmeal mush for breakfast, then we'd eat it with maple syrup. Yum. Today you've made me hungry for that!

  2. Maybe, we will have some when you get home.


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