Wednesday, November 27, 2013


Well, I finally got the word from my sister that I have permission to detect her neighbor's property.

The old fellow passed this past summer. Where the house sets now was once a homestead, with a dugout next to it in case of a Indian attack. The homestead, when it was built, was outside of Golden Colorado, by about three miles or so. I have not found out how big of a place it was or who first owned it. We are still checking some things out

The old boy was into hot-rods and motorcycles. After he was not allowed to drive anymore, he would pull out one of his hot-rods, fire it up, run it for a few minutes, and pull it back into the garage. Nice guy. I only got to talk to him a few times over the years.

It should be interesting to see what I can turn up. So, I'm off to do some relic/coin hunting. I'll fill you all in later, with a post, and I hope some pictures.

I'm SO EXCITED! This will be a chance that does not come along that often.

Have a great day.


  1. That sounds like a great place, might find some early stuff. Hope the ground doesn't freeze on you.

  2. Sunnybrook Farm, thanks for stopping by. Didn't find all that much, but found that the house had burnt down twice. The first time they rebuilt a lot of the homestead stuff was hauled off, so all I managed to find was a junk ring and some coins from the 1970's. More later.
    Have a great Thanksgiving!


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