Monday, February 28, 2011
QUOTE OF THE WEEK: 2/28/2011
-- Albert Einstein (1879 - 1955)
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Drizzly, Chilly Days
Then there are people like me who like to be up in the mountains on those kind of days. It's like having the mountain all to yourself; well, you and all the animals. When you walk, it is so still and you can walk the trails and see things that you have not seen before.
Like a mama deer and her fawn, lying curled up together against the rain. Or to see a rabbit under a tree with a fox not too far away setting under another tree, and they can both see each other, but neither moves. How about watching low hanging clouds drifting over the mountains.
Or seeing and hearing a big flock of ducks come off the water of a lake or pond. Or hearing the bugle of an elk. And the sound of a campfire! The warmth on your face and the cold on your back that makes you turn your backside to the fire.
How about the sound the rain makes when it hits the ground, or when it hits aspen leave? Watching a herd of elk feeding then lounging in a meadow. I love to listent to thunder roll across the mountains.
These are just some of the things that I like on days like this. How about you?
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
NEAT IDEAS: Used Film Canisters
Anyway. Take your used little film canisters, clean them with soap and water, then take them and poke some holes in the lids. You now have salt and pepper shakers to toss in with your lunch or for when you go backpacking, camping, or what ever outdoor thing you do.
Also, you can take one of them without the holes and load it up with wooden matches. I know I have posted about the matches before, but in never hurts to give out the info again. You could load one up with some of your homemade fire starter. Or roll up some fishing line and throw in some hooks. Or make up a little sewing kit to put in your film can and toss it in with your luggage for road trips.
If you have extra meds to take with you on a trip, instead of carrying some of those big pill bottles, put some white tape on your little can, take a sharpie, and mark it with the type of medicine in your canister.
Think about what else they might come in handy for. Like maybe to carry a few extra earrings or something. (I hate when I lose mine!)
So don't toss them all out. See if you can come up with some new ideas for them.
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
FEED YOUR FACE: Penguin hors d'oeuvres

Last time I got my haircut, I was explaining to my stylist my theory that if I got a giraffe-print purse, I would look taller! She asked if I collect giraffe stuff (I don't) and I asked if she had an animal she liked really well. She said she didn't really, but that she was currently thinking penguins were cute.
Then, this benefit for one of the stylists at the salon came up, and I thought we could make hors d'oeuvre penguins!
For 50 to 60 penguins you will need:
3 cans jumbo pitted black olives
1 can small pitted black olives
a container of whipped cream cheese or Rondelé cheese
a couple of carrots
pimento strips
tall, frilly toothpicks to hold them together
First, we peeled the carrots, and let the cream cheese sit out just a little to soften. We drained the olives. We (I) forgot to buy pimento strips. Oops. That's okay -- the weather was nice, so our penguins didn't need scarves anyway.

I sliced the carrots into little coin-pieces. Don't make them too thin 'cause these will become the penguin feet. Make them a little thick so the penguins stand up. There is nothing sadder than a downed penguin, ya know.

Then take the slices and cut a little notch out of them. That will form the V for the feet, and the little notch becomes a beak.
Then take the jumbo olives and make a slice down each one, from the pit-hole to the other end. This is what becomes the penguin body.
Then take your decorator/pastry bag/baggie, and pipe some of the cheese into the hole. It's even better if you overfill it a little, because then it makes the white chest of the penguin. Jim is an under-filler, so our penguins barely had any tummies. Maybe Jim is over-compensating, not wanting those penguins to have Isles of Belly.

Then, place the body (big olive filled with cheese) on the feet, and place the small olive with the beak on top of the body, then insert a long frilly toothpick into the whole thing from the top to hold it all together. This is also why you want the feet a little thick -- so the toothpick has something to grab in to.
Now you have a little penguin! If you remembered to buy pimentos, you could wrap one around the penguin's neck and it would look quite jaunty! I've always wanted to use the words "quite jaunty" in a sentence. (Be sure to use the British pronunciation when you say that.)
Here's a picture of what they looked like all together when they were finished. Kinda looks like a little choir, huh?
Anyway, they are cute as well as tasty.
To finish, as Jim would say, make some horse ovaries, eat 'em up, and FEED YOUR FACE!
(Horse ovaries = hors d'oeuvres in Jim-speak.)Monday, February 21, 2011
QUOTE OF THE WEEK: 2/21/2011
-- Winston Churchhill ( 1874 - 1965 )
Friday, February 18, 2011
Or, maybe try putting 3 pieces of charcoal briquettes in your fridge and some in your freezer to absorb unwanted smells.
After about a month, put them back in the bag for burning in your grill. Use the untreated kind that do not have fuel on them for easy lighting. If they are the ones with fuel on them, they tend to make a worse smell than what you started with!
Thursday, February 17, 2011
DID YOU KNOW? Buckhorn Exchange
Henry was only 10 years old when he met Col. William F. "Buffalo Bill" Cody in 1875. Within two years, Henry was a full fledged member of Buffalo Bill's Scouts. During the years that Henry rode with Buffalo Bill, Chief Sitting Bull dubbed Henry "Shorty Scout" because of his diminutive stature. He became a lifelong friend to Sitting Bull.
Zietz opened up a saloon in Denver called "The Buckhorn Exchange." The doors first opened in 1893 and it has the liquor license number one in the state of Colorado.
So, if you're ever out this way you need to stop by the Buckhorn and have a bite to eat. Good food. lots of history, and lots to look at. They serve all kinds of game meat that you can pick from and, of course, lots of other things to eat.
So, now you know!
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Last night we did jumping jacks for about 10 minutes. I started out strong then decided to slow down some. I didn't want to show off in front of everybody. So after like 10 jumping jacks my legs were screaming, "What in the heck are you doing?! Are you crazy! Set your butt down and just watch these crazy people." Well, I made it through the jumping jacks, then they wanted us to go right into squats. Now, how often do you "squat" during the day? I don't, I bend a lot. It is easier to bend than squat. When I squat it requires a chair, sofa, wall, or even someone else to help me get back up. When we were kids we used to squat all the time.
After doing squats, they had us run across this skinny room. We had so many people in the class that they had us on two opposite sides of the room. When he said go, we ran at each other, having to dodge each other. Then, after about 5 minutes of that we had to run backwards. So there were about 20 people in this room, and everyone is running backwards and you have to dodge people coming from the other direction. I was doing good. My legs were screaming at me to quit and go set down. But I hung in and was tripped by someone. I did a backward somersault that would have made my grade school PE teacher proud: I came up on my feet. Then they had us do some stretching, then we moved into defense moves.
When they started that I had to go set down. After about a 3 minute break I was up and knee kicking the crap out of this big pad that someone had to hold. It felt pretty good. Man, I was a machine! I kicked with my left knee, I kicked with my right knee. My legs were telling me that they were going to quit and go home, if Kathi will take them. Man, this was just a beginning intro class for self defense. I had to go and set out the rest of the class.
For awhile, I just sat and sweated and sweated. Then I got a little light headed so I stepped outside. I didn't toss my cookies, I just sort of felt a little bit queasy. So I sat with Kathi and watched the rest of the class from the sidelines. No one belittled me or made comments about me setting the rest of the class out.
Krav Maga is a form of martial art like no other I have been in. Krav Maga is a form of Israeli self defense. The moves are a lot easier to do and the training is more intense than other forms such as Kung Fu or Karate. But besides teaching this they also have fitness classes. They have what is called a crossfit program. Crossfit is the principal strength and conditioning program. It will get you in shape for Krav Maga, or just get you in the best shape ever, and it is for everyone. They also have a kids program.
So, as we watched them doing knee kicks and such I just happened to notice that Kathi had this little smile on her face. Guess what? As soon as the class was over, Kathi had jumped up and ran over to talk to one of the instructors. I was busy, trying to get out of the chair I had been setting in. My legs had left the building! As I managed to get to my feet one of the guys in the class came over and asked if I was doing okay. I told him I was fine, as I held onto the back of the chair in front of me. He was nice and said that I had good form on my knee kicks. I thanked him and asked him how long he had been at this. He and his wife have been at it for like 6 months. He looked good, so did his wife. His wife was out there kicking butt with some of the bigger guys in the class and she didn't give any ground to these guys.
But joking aside, I think that for a self defense type of class, women ought to check it out. Or maybe, if it is too intense, check out some other form of martial arts. We all ought to know how to protect ourselves. Even if you only learn a few moves that could one day save your life. I think that Kathi and I might be checking out their crossfit program in the near future. It is time for the Isle of Belly to disappear! Kathi got all of her questions answered by the instructor. I went to ask a few of my own, and when I asked him a question, Kathi said she had the skinny on it. I tried another question and Kathi said she had the info for it also.
So, we will see where this leads. Kathi could be the next bad a** Krav Maga kid. Me, I'm going to have a long talk with my legs.
Monday, February 14, 2011
QUOTE OF THE WEEK: 2/14/2011
--Benjamin Franklin (1706 - 1790)
Thursday, February 10, 2011
As of today, all of the snow is off of the walks and both driveways (one of which is very long). Now, if it will just warm up enough to melt it all before the next batch of snow! My legs hurt, my hands are swollen, and I am a little down in the back. But you know what? It kind of felt good to be out and flinging snow. We will see how I am on Thursday.
Maybe I won't use the snowblower for the rest of the winter. Shoveling snow is pretty good exercise as long as you do not get crazy about it and do it all at one time. Space it out. Work at it for 20 minutes or so then go in and warm up a bit, then go out and hit it again for another 20 minutes or so . It may take you all day, as it did me. But you should be able to get it done. Just don't go overboard and hurt yourself, or freeze your lungs or toes or fingers or something.
And who gives a rip if it takes more than a day to get the job done. You're getting some of that good old vitamin D if the sun is out. It gives you a chance to see if any critters have been in your yard. Look and see what kind of tracks you can find. Then look them up on your computer and see who all has been around your home. Kids tracks and your pets do not count.
I found fox, coyote, rabbit, and magpie prints. The fox tracks went up our big driveway then over the fence. The coyote tracks went across the edge of our front yard. The rabbit tracks followed our back side walk around the garage. And the magpie tracks were around our trash cans. They also left a feather or two.
Maybe you don't shovel your walk or driveway. Maybe you have someone do it for you. But at least take a minute or two and step outside. Take a breath or two of winter air and look around at the beauty of all that white stuff on the ground. It's mother nature at her winter best. Or worst if that's how you look at it. It is a time of renewal for the year. And all the seeds will soon be poking their little heads up as plants.
And Spring will be here soon, I hope .
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
I wore out one shovel last winter and I am working on a new shovel this year. My snow blower, blew; I think it does not want to leave the warmth of the garage, along with my 4-wheeler.
Other times, I like snow. Like when I do not have to shovel. Or if I am up in the mountains. Then I like it a lot. Like, when you are by yourself and it is getting dark, and you can hear the snow hit the ground because it is so quiet out. You can almost feel the snow drift along on a breeze and it sparkles in the last light of day. Then you turn your face up to the sky, see the first stars start to shine, and feel and see the flakes as they touch your face. It is like magic. You take a deep breath of the cold air and it makes you feel alive, and the snowy world around you seems to come alive.
The sound of your voice seems extra loud in the quiet. You can see a pure blanket of white, undisturbed. As the moon comes out, everything around you seems to get even brighter than before. The sparkles of the snow now seem to dance before your eyes. And, in the distance, you hear a lone coyote give its call, and you wait to see if there is an answer.
There is none. You then make your way back to your fire, brush off the snow from the log that you were setting on, and put some more wood on the fire and pour yourself another cup of hot coffee. It seems to smell even better, too. You wrap yourself a little more tightly in your blanket, which has the faint smell of campfire about it. You feel as if you are seeing and smelling things for the first time ever. As the snow keeps coming down, it seems that your senses are clearer, as is your sight.
As you warm yourself by the fire, you start to nod off. After banking the fire, you crawl into your tent and into your sleeping bag. It is so quiet you can hear the snowflakes swish against the sides of your tent. They seem to make a kind of tune. You snuggle down in your bag and you fall asleep to the song of a snowy winter night in the Rockies of Colorado.
That's when I really love snow.
Monday, February 7, 2011
-- Jonathan Winters, American comedian and author
Friday, February 4, 2011
Kathi brought along a HUGE box of cupcakes that we shared with everybody on our leauge. (The reason for the cupcakes was my birthday!)
Yep, I hit the big 55. No big deal, just another day. I spent it shovaling snow. Today, I'm taking my aunt to doctor appointments all day, so I'll have lots of driving time. It at least gives a chance to talk and reminisce about things from the past. I'll post a little more later on.
So everyone stay warm, eat lots of chili, drink lots of hot chocolate, and snuggle with your dog or a loved one in a nice warm blanket.
Thursday, February 3, 2011
FEED YOUR FACE: Dutch Oven Cherry Cobbler

Take some heavy-duty aluminum foil and line the dutch oven (we do that so the acid from the fruit does not react or pit our cast iron or take away the cure on it). Makes clean up easier, too. But if you are using a baking pan, you don't need to use the foil lining.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

We have had ice on the roads and it is going to be like 8 below on Monday night. So Mister Chicken and I decided that it was time for some HOT chocolate.
Kathi wanted them little jawbreaker marshmallows in her brew. I opted to just mix chocolate milk, and some 2% milk, and WHAM- O, BAM- O -- we had our hot chocolate. If I would have thought of it sooner, I would have built a fire in the fireplace, but I had a one track mind and wanted that hot chocolate.

Man, it was so cold that I had icicles hanging from my beard in about 3 minutes. Sorry I do not have a picture of that. Maybe sometime tomorrow. Tuesday it is only going to be a balmy 1 degree all day. So crank up the heat. Snuggle in a BIG blanket. The rest of the country east of Denver: bring in the dogs. It looks like it will be at least a 3 or 4 dog night!